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We are experts in VB, SQL Server, Access, Oracle, C, C++, Word & Excel Macros, Data Communications, OOA/OOD Design. We also use many VBX and OCX's in our Systems and are in constant contact with control vendors. We are very capable to take on board any computer systems that require maintenance and further development and inject new life into them.

Over the years we have developed in house expertise in many computer languages, tools, widgets, language extensions and other software developmet tools. Here are areas of our expertsise.


Visual Basic 3,4,5,6, and Visual Basic .NET
MS-Access v2.0, 97, 98, 2000, and 2003
SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgresSQL
Borland C++
Awk, Sed, Perl
Yacc, Lex, Bison, Flex
DataEase, Btrieve, C-Tree
MS-WORD/MS-Excel Macros
PHP, Phyton

Unix C++, GNU C++
C, Turbo Vision, Application FrameWorks
Unix Shell Script (ksh, csh and sh)
FORTRAN 77, Ratfor
PathWay, XVISION, NFS4.0, Kermit, tip, zmodem, ftp, Xtalk,
telnet, telix, adv-tel, vnc, ssh, PC-ANYWHERE

We also use many VBX and OCX's in our Systems and are in constant contact with control vendors.

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Last Update: Tuesday, 20 June 2023